About the Leadership Institute of Nevada

The Leadership Institute of Nevada sees the possibility, potential, and hope that exists in every Nevada student. The Institute believes that developing the skills and agency of leaders enables them to build the teams, schools, and schools systems that ensure student success.


To cultivate communities of innovative, insightful, and principled leaders who champion ideas that change the world.


To identify, develop, and retain exceptional leaders in education; build innovative and entrepreneurial communities that include leaders from the public and private sectors; and drive significant systemic improvement in public education.

  • Leadership Institute of Nevada seeks to transform education in Nevada in order to ensure excellent and equitable schools that enable all students to achieve and successfully thrive in our ever-changing, complex world.
  • The Institute believes strong, empowered, diverse leadership is a crucial lever for systemic change, and transformational leaders can be found within all sectors of the community.
  • The Institute develops and advances diverse alumni networks to strengthen individual capacity, establish a close-knit community of leaders, and encourage engagement in collective action to improve educational outcomes for children.
  • The Institute exemplifies education entrepreneurship and effects change through direct, widespread, and systemic impact.
  • The Institute, as an Independent Nevada 501©(3) Nonprofit Corporation, continues to secure funding to execute its goals for growth and impact.
  • The Institute commits to amplifying its impact by engaging both families and students in capacity building and partnerships.

The Leadership Institute of Nevada (LION) is building networks of statewide leaders to transform education  through three strategies.